How to Check Is Websites Safe Or Not

On the Internet there are more than 200 million active websites and now many websites are perfectly designed with the view to gaining access to other people's confidential information, which makes internet scam so common these days. 

And as the result, it often becomes huge challenge for internet users to identify safe websites and to any in-experienced person all website is real and legitimate. 

Many people never cared to know how safe a website is before placing an order, and many times they ended up making very huge mistake which always lead to them loosing whatever they put in; You really need to know . Well, here are some of the ways to identify safe websites today on the internet.

Web Of Trust : Wot is known to be one of the best place to check how safe a website is before giving in your confidential information. 

Wot gives real-time ratings for every website depending on the feedback it gets from trusted users across the globe and can tell you much about the safety level of any website.
In web of trust the reputation of a website is shown in terms of three components. I.e: Green means excellent, Yellow warns the users to be cautious and Red indicates danger.
Any site that has a poor rating, it indicates that the site is associated with threats like Internet scams, phishing, identity theft risks and malware etc. 

Mcafee Site Advisor : McAfee is well recognized in the field of online security and with Site advisor your surf online is up to 90% safe. It comes as a free browser add-on and adds safety ratings to your browser and search engine results.
